Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Duracell 852-1807 1,800 Watt Five Outlet Rechargeable Power Source

Duracell 852-1807 1,800 Watt Five Outlet Rechargeable Power Source

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Duracell 852-1807 1,800 Watt Five Outlet Rechargeable Power Source On Sale

Price: $412.82 $404.78   Updated Price for Duracell 852-1807 1,800 Watt Five Outlet Rechargeable Power Source now
Purchase Duracell 852-1807 1,800 Watt Five Outlet Rechargeable Power Source low price

Product Feature

  • 1800-watt inverter with five 115V AC power outlets for operating multiple devices simultaneously
  • Built-in transfer relay provides reliable backup power capability
  • Digital LED display indicates battery capacity status and total wattage of the devices connected to the PowerSource
  • Sealed, non-spillable 60Ah AGM battery
  • Recharges from home AC wall outlet

Product Description

Battery Biz Duracell PowerSource 1800Duracell Powersource 1800

Duracell 852-1807 1,800 Watt Five Outlet Rechargeable Power Source Review

Bought this recently from Amazon for $180.00 I will say its worth about that. I tried a few high wattage things in it like a hair dryer, Iron, coffee maker, just to see how long I could use it. These are things I could never think of using in a standard 1500VA UPS, (Which I have for comp and such) All of the devices ran well, the hair dryer probably sucked it down the fastest, (Set high 1500watts), lasted aout 7 minutes before the warning started going off. The unit ran about 5 more minutes on medium setting before the battery dropped to 20 percent. The battery did recover to 50% after turning off dryer, so high wattage appliances I think are a bit much for the batteries to output continuously.

The unit is heavy, about 60 pounds. For the money, I would buy again. I figure I should get about 6 hours on a computer with a flat panel attached. For most short power outages, this will get you by for a few necessities. Anything longer you will have to go generator.

The description reads as though you can use it for a fridge and other high wattage appliances, which I guess is true, but misleading as I would imagine a fridge would kill it in about 10 minutes or less.

All in all glad, I was able to purchase for the $180.00. If nothing else you can dry your hair when the power is out, and make coffee, without having to hook up the generator.


So I wanted to update this review. The unit gave out after about 18-24 months. Cant tell exactly when it lost its capacity but it would last maybe 5 minutes on light load. I took the time to tear it apart and found three 12 volt 17ah SLA batteries wired in parallel. They were pretty much useless. Tried to bring them back but as most here know once an SLA battery gets near end of life it is almost impossible to get them back from the dead even with a good quality desulfator. I got lucky and found 3 new Panasonic replacements for $25ea on EBAY and installed those. (A good quality SLA battery in this range is usually about $70 bucks each). Unit is back up and running like new. I would assume most people would not attempt this nor probably should they. High risk of shock even with the unit unplugged. And many parts to disassemble/reassemble. If you do attempt, take lots of pictures as you break down and be carefull of wires. Doesnt matter how long or how many times you have handled electricity, only takes once.

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Buy Duracell 852-1807 1,800 Watt Five Outlet Rechargeable Power Source Cheap

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