Saturday, July 30, 2011

PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger

PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger

Shock Sale PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger very cheapYou looking to find the "PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger" Good news! You can purchase PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger On Sale

Price: $316.75 $307.49   Updated Price for PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger now
Purchase PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger low price

Product Feature

  • Durable construction with marine-grade components
  • Weatherproof and performs well in diverse conditions, including, hot, cold and cloudy environments
  • Rollable, flexible, lightweight, portable and eco-friendly
  • Grommets for tie-downs, and wrap-around fastener for easy storage
  • Easy to use and includes an RA-2 (12 volt female CLA) & RA-11 (15' extension cord with O-ring terminal connectors)

Product Description

PowerFilm Rollable Solar Panel Chargers are waterproof, durable, lightweight, and flexible. They are designed for the most challenging and extreme environments, even low light conditions and high temperatures, and easily integrated to provide power for a number of charging applications. Includes an RA-2 (12 volt female CLA) and RA-11 (15'extension cord with O-ring terminal connectors). Ideally suited for water activities, fully waterproof, and constructed with marine-grade connectors to provide a portable solar solution to ensure you'll have the power you need. Anywhere you go..... keep the Power On with PowerFilm!

PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger Review

This unique, light-weight, easy to store charger is used to charge our computers, cell phones, ipods, etc., that can be plugged in the to solar panel charger via an adapter. We just drape it over the car, picnic table, or lay it on the ground with our electronics in the shade while it charges. However, one cannot use the computer and charge it at the same time. It is strong enough to charge a boat battery, its original purpose. I liked it so well, I purchased another one from Amazon at a definite savings. [Wish I had bought my first one here!]

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger ...

Buy PowerFilm R-28 28w Rollable Solar Panel Charger Cheap

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