Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce

Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce

Shock Sale Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce very cheapYou looking to find the "Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce" Good news! You can purchase Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce On Sale

Price: $22.95    Updated Price for Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce now
Purchase Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce low price

Product Feature

  • Ormulation: carfentrazone with 2,4-d, mecoprop-p, plus dicamba
  • An excellent postemergent broadleaf weed control product that is rainfast in 3 hours
  • Ready-to-spray and ready-to-use

Product Description

Over 80 of the toughest to control broadleaf weeds including Clover, Ground Ivy, Spurge, Chickweed, Dandelion, Henbit, Oxalis, Poison Ivy, Purslane, Shepherdspurse, Thistle, Virginia Buttonweed, Wild Onion and many others listed on the label. Application: May be applied to Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Red Fescue, Colonial Bentgrass, Common Bermuda Grass, Hybrid Bermuda Grass, Bahia Grass, Zoysia Grass, Buffalo Grass, St. Augustine and Centipede Grass. Consult label for specific application rate for each turfgrass listed.

Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce Review

The spray nozzle doesn't work. Barely any chemical released. Upon shut down the chemical and water can spray back into your face. I wear goggles so I was safe. DANGEROUS LOW QUALITY SPRAYER.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce ...

Buy Voluntary Purchasing Group 10527 Weed-Free Zone, 24-Ounce Cheap

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