Saturday, October 5, 2013

Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control

Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control

Shock Sale Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control very cheapYou looking to find the "Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control" Good news! You can purchase Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control On Sale

Price: $44.33 $18.99   Updated Price for Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control now
Purchase Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control low price

Product Feature

  • Provides 5,000 sq. ft. of coverage
  • Kills weeds completely
  • Strengthens lawns
  • Improves lawn's ability to absorb water and nutrients
  • Use on Kentucky blue grass, rye grasses, fine fescue, and tall fescue

Product Description

Kills dandelions and more than 50 other broadleaf weeds. Builds thick green turf from the roots up. Does not burn lawns. Patented formula kills weeds that ordinary weed-and-feeds miss.

Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control Review

I am very familiar with Scott's products as my father used them on our lawn when I was about 5 years old. I remember our lawn being the best in the neighborhood. I too, now that I have my own home, use the full line of Scott's fertilizers and start with the Turf Builder with HALTS in early March. I then apply this product 6 to 8 weeks after applying the TurfBuilder with HALTS. It is now the end of April and I have a few more weeks to go before I will be ready to apply the Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control, but my lawn looks the best in the neighborhood already, with 1 dandelion on a 3/4 acre lot. I don't know how it got there, but I had to pluck it out of the lawn the other day. I will say that this product says apply to a wet lawn and you MUST do that. Since May can be a hot month where I leave, it is important to water your grass regularly and don't go more than a few days after the application without watering and you better not spill any on your grass because this is a chemical and you need to take precautions (Never fill your spreader on your grass, always use the sidewalk or the driveway). Read the label carefully and if you follow the directions you will have a beautiful lawn. I follow the 4 cycle plan and have never been dissatisfied.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control ...

Buy Scotts 24984 15-Pound Turf Builder with PLUS 2 Weed Control Cheap

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