Thursday, May 3, 2012

Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel

Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel

Shock Sale Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel very cheapYou looking to find the "Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel" Good news! You can purchase Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel On Sale

Price: $199.00    Updated Price for Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel now
Purchase Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel low price

Product Feature

  • Powerbond, flexible solar panel
  • Easy to install adhered directly to metal roofing pans, no racking system is required, laminates and metal roofing can be installed in one step
  • Lightweight and durable; there are no penetrations to the roof deck
  • It has flexible
  • Measures 112.1-inches in length by 15.5-inches in width by 0.2-inches in depth

Product Description

Simple & easy peel and stick installation. Ideal for metal roof. RV/Boat, Home & Commercial applications. Battery charging or grid- tie solar systems. UniSolar is one of the largest manufacturers of flexible thin film solar panels. Low Light Performance. Each UNI-SOLAR module utilizes triple-junction amorphous silicon solar cells. The blue, green, and red light of the sun is absorbed in different layers of the cell, yielding higher energy production, especially at low insolation levels and under diffused light. Shadow Tolerant. By-pass diodes are connected across each cell allowing the laminates to produce electricity even when partially shaded or soiled. High Temp Performance. In real-world conditions module temperatures can be up to 185 degrees. The performance of crystalline silicon cells declines significantly in high temperatures, while UNI-SOLAR amorphous silicon technology does not. Made in USA.

Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel Review

I have two 68W panels on the roof of my 31' RV that connected to a Morning-star Sun saver duo solar controller that charge my House(camper)Battery and the Engine battery at the same time. So far after 9 months they are doing great. Install was a little tricky with running the wires from the roof (used the fridge vent) so I did not drill any holes and I stuck them right on the campers TPO style roof after cleaning it real good. As I said I'm very pleased with the battery charging power these panels produce. I do allot of beach RV camping and so far they have been keeping my batteries charged. "I would however shop around on the internet before you buy because you will most likely find them cheaper if you do your homework."

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel ...

Buy Uni-Solar PVL-68 PowerBond PVL 68 Watt 12 Volt 112-Inch x 15.5-Inch Flexible Solar Panel Cheap

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