Reliance Controls THP221 Digital Entry Security Alarm or Chime for Doors and Windows Home Security Products

Product Feature
- Programmable security code
- Magnetic Sensor 105db alarm
- Alarm or Chime Option
- Panic Button
- 9V battery or Ac Adapter options available.
Product Description
Digital Entry Alarm – this portable security and entry alarm uses magnetic sensors to help protect doors or windows from unwanted entry. The THP221 has a chime feature to monitor entry points at homes, offices or businesses with a loud chime each time the magnetic sensors are separated. Powered by 1 x 9V battery, but also compatible with an AC adapter. Features a 12-digit keypad for pass code restriction..Programmable security codeMagnetic Sensor 105db alarmAlarm or Chime OptionPanic Button9V battery or Ac Adapter options available.Reliance Controls THP221 Digital Entry Security Alarm or Chime for Doors and Windows Home Security Products Review
I was looking for a wired alarm that would work on my new sliding door. The Radio Shack alarms I normally use wouldn't work on it because they aren't wired. I bought a different wired alarm at the local home improvement store and the first was defective, so I got another one and gave it a second chance. The other alarm seemed to work great until the next day when it completely died. Needless to say I couldn't trust that alarm so I started searching for another.I was skeptical at buying this Reliance alarm because it had no reviews, which is usually what I look at to help me make decisions. But, I couldn't find anything else that would work for me that actually had the keypad like this does. I have keypads on my other alarms, and wanted to use the same code, which I couldn't with a four button (1,2,3,4) alarm. I am glad I found his alarm, especially for such a low price. It has features that the others don't have. One nice feature is that you can trim the excess length off of the alarm wire. The wire is 3-4' long, and can easily be trimmed to whatever length you need, or can be looped and used as is.
The alarm lets you choose from I believe 3 different alarm modes. The first two were delayed alarms, for when you are out of the house. The other alarm option is instant, which is what I needed. There is also a chime mode so you know when the door is being used (haven't tried this option yet). The alarm doesn't give false alarms; it seems to take an inch or so of clearance between the two sensors to make it go off. I have tested the alarm many, many times to make sure it works like an alarm should (I have a little one that has figured out how to unlock and open doors). The only thing that is a little different with this alarm is that it beeps 3 times to tell you the alarm is being activated, and then it beeps again after 60 seconds telling you it is now armed. Then when you disarm it just beeps once.
Overall, I am very happy with my purchase. I've only had it for a few months, but it has never disappointed (even with extensive testing). This is a very loud alarm for a battery operated unit. It gives me peace of mind with my 2 year old. I will definitely hear it when it goes off. I trust this alarm, which is what matters most. And for the price I feel that it is a steal.
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