Saturday, August 31, 2013

Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon

Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon

Shock Sale Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon very cheapYou looking to find the "Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon" Good news! You can purchase Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon On Sale

Price: $19.95    Updated Price for Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon now
Purchase Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon low price

Product Feature

  • Non-selective "spot" weed killer for use around landscaped areas
  • It kills most forms of plant growth without damage to the soil
  • Effects are visible in only 3 to 4 days
  • Only works when it is absorbed by the foliage, deactivates on contact with soil
  • Ready to use no mixing

Product Description

This ready-to-use, non-selective herbicide kills all types of broadleaf and grass weeds. It will kill the entire plant - roots,stems and leaves - but only when it is absorbed by the foliage. It deactivates on contact with the soil and will not leachthrough the soil to damage desirable plants.

Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon Review

I saw results in as little as 24 hrs. I used this product on the vegetation the grows along and through a chain link fence and is killer on blackberry bushes.

Will purchase another one soon.

Disregard the people who have voted not helpful on the other reviewers; it's obvious those who voted not helpful had an agenda.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon ...

Buy Zap-It RTU weed killer - 1 gallon Cheap

Friday, August 30, 2013

Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz.

Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz.

Shock Sale Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. very cheapYou looking to find the "Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz." Good news! You can purchase Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. On Sale

Price: $10.57 $8.59   Updated Price for Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. now
Purchase Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. low price

Product Feature

  • weed killer

Product Description

Formulation: Carfentazone plus 2,4-D, Mecoprop-P, Dicamba and MCPA. Controls over 80 of the toughest to control broadleaf weeds including clover, ground ivy, spurge, chickweed, dandelion, henbit, oxalis, poison ivy, purslane, shepherds purse, thistle, Vir

Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. Review

Clover died out in about two weeks..I recommend it to anyone with a clover problem. Now I need to get the grass growing again/.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz." are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. ...

Buy Fertilome Weed Free Zone - 8 oz. Cheap

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons)

Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons)

Shock Sale Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) very cheapYou looking to find the "Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons)" Good news! You can purchase Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) On Sale

Price: $129.95    Updated Price for Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) now
Purchase Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) low price

Product Feature

  • It is useful to control undesirable woody plants and brush
  • It has long-lasting residual action
  • It has Highly dilutable formula
  • It has Low odor formula
  • 10 to 1 Dilution ratio

Product Description

Banish is a water-based, non-selective, total kill herbicide with residual control. It is strong enough to eliminatehard-to-kill weeds, and can be used for customized jobs. By going to work to destroy the plant from the roots up,Banish provides long-term, full-season root kill.Directions Complete directions on product labelDilute 1 gallon of this product with 10 gallons of water for a total of 11gallons.Annual weeds and grasses:. Apply 11 gallons of diluted product per 800 to3100 square feetPerennial weeds and grasses: Apply 11 gallons of diluted product per 400 to800 square feetBrush control: Apply 54.5 to 109 gallons per acre or apply diluted product onsoil at the rate of 6 to 12 fluid ounces per stem 2" to 4" in basal diameter.

Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) Review

This stuff is extremely weak. I need nearly a half gallon to cover about 2000 sq feet per 4 gallons and it takes forever to kick in. Buy the more very cheap option if you're going to bother.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) ...

Buy Total Solutions Banish Weed Killer - 4 Gallon case (Makes 40 gallons) Cheap

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart

Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart

Shock Sale Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart very cheapYou looking to find the "Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart" Good news! You can purchase Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart On Sale

Price: $17.00    Updated Price for Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart now
Purchase Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart low price

Product Feature

  • For use on 9 turf types
  • Controls a wide range of lawn weeds
  • A patented combination of 3 proven weed killers
  • Directions for use in conventional & hose end sprayers
  • Recommend to use - Surfactant for Herbicide - for increased performance

Product Description

CONTAINS: 5.30% Mecoprop, 3.05% 2,4-D, 1.29% Dicamba.USE ON: St. Augustine (Note: Not for use on improved St. Augustine varieties in the South), bermuda, bahia, blue grass, fescues, rye and centipede.CONTROLS: Most broadleaf weeds.RATE: 1 to 1+ oz. per gallon to 400 sq. ft. for southern grasses. 1+ oz. per gallon to 400 sq. ft. for Northern Grasses.APPLICATION: Apply as a uniform spray with a fan nozzle on turf or follow the labeled directions for using a hose end sprayer.CAUTION: Avoid spray drift on shrubs & trees. Spray to accurately obtain indicated coverage.

Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart Review

Product arrived quickly. I have used the Weed Killer many times and keeps my lawn looking great all year round.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart ...

Buy Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec Herbicide- 1 Quart Cheap

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310

Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310

Shock Sale Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 very cheapYou looking to find the "Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310" Good news! You can purchase Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 On Sale

Price: $19.49    Updated Price for Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 now
Purchase Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 low price

Product Feature

  • Kill over 200 weeds without harming your lawn - guaranteed.

Product Description

Ortho, 4 Pack, 5 OZ Weed B Gon Max Singels, Simple, No Measuring, No Mess, Environmental Sustainability, Limits Waste & Improper Disposal Of Product, 2 Times Stronger, Maximum Support, Improved Performance, Faster Kill & Better Efficiency, Maximum Bottle Exposure, Easy Storage In Garage.

Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 Review

After using this product (and also keeping up on other lawn chores), I was getting comments from neighbors on how good the lawn looks, and getting questions about what I was doing. There is a very noticeable line between my yard and my neighbors yard where you can see where the weeds are, and where they are not.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 ...

Buy Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX 5-Ounce Singles - 4 Pack 0396310 Cheap

Monday, August 26, 2013

VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer

VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer

Shock Sale VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer very cheapYou looking to find the "VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer" Good news! You can purchase VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer On Sale

Price: $17.99 $12.69   Updated Price for VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer now
Purchase VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer low price

Product Feature

  • weed killer

Product Description

Gets rid of the tough weeds-roots and all. Controls over 200 weeds. New formulation. Proven performance. Rainproof in 1 hour. Contains 2,4-D, Quinclorac and Dicamba.

VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer Review

This is the only things I've found that will get bindweed in my lawn (without killing my lawn). I sprayed multiple times last year and was relieved to see the bindweed disappear.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer ...

Buy VPG Fertilome 10031 fertilome Weed Killer Cheap

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593

Shock Sale Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 very cheapYou looking to find the "Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593" Good news! You can purchase Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 On Sale

Price: $356.07    Updated Price for Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 now
Purchase Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 low price

Product Feature

  • Controls box elder, buckthorn, locust, sumac and more
  • Ideal for fence rows, rights-of-way, railroads and roadsides

Product Description

Garlon® 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide controls woody plants, plus annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in non-crop areas. Recommended applications include industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, pipelines, roadsides, railroads, fence rows, forests and wildlife openings. Active ingredient is 60.5% Triclopyr. Application rates range from 1 to 8 qts. per acre. May also be mixed with oil (diesel fuel, fuel oil or kerosene) or oil/water mixtures for basal bark or cut stump treatments. 2.5-gal. jug. USA made.

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 Review

I have been using this for over a year and prefer it over any other products. Economical mix and it kills anything... really tough stuff and it goes to the root. Much less "come back" than with any other product.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 ...

Buy Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 Cheap

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag

Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag

Shock Sale Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag very cheapYou looking to find the "Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag" Good news! You can purchase Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag On Sale

Price: $84.29 $72.95   Updated Price for Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag now
Purchase Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag low price

Product Feature

  • Controls more broadleaf and grassy weeds in more ornamentals than any other preemergent herbicide
  • Provides excellent plant tolerance and long-lasting broad-spectrum control
  • Bonds tightly with soil particles and is low in water solubility, so it won't move out of the application zone
  • Some weeds controlled: Barnyardgrass, Bittercress, Common chickweed, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Marestail, Oxalis, Ragweed, Spurge. See label for a complete listing of weeds controlled.
  • Controls upto 115 broadleaf and grassy weeds. Use 2.3-4.6 pounds per 1000 sq feet. One bag covers 8,000 sq feet

Product Description

Apply Snapshot in early spring prior to germination of target weeds, in late summer to early fall, or any time immediately after cultivation. Followingapplication, monitor weed control over time to determine if additional applications may be needed.Depending on the weeds to be controlled, apply the labeled rate of 2.3 to 4.6 pounds per 1,000 square feet, using a rotary spreader. More uniform application can be achieved by spreading half of the required amountof product over the area and then applying the remaining half in swaths at right angles to the first application.APPLICATION PRECAUTIONS• Snapshot does not control established weeds. Apply priorto weed seed germination, or control existing weeds by cultivation or with a postemergence herbicide.• Weed residues, prunings and debris should be removed or thoroughly mixed into soil prior to treatment.• Repeat applications at the rate of 150 pounds per acre and higher should not be made within 60 days of original application. Do not apply more than600 pounds per acre within a 12-month period.• Do not apply Snapshot to:- Newly transplanted ornamentals (until soil has been settled by packing and irrigation or rainfall)- Unrooted liners or cuttings that have been planted in pots for the fi rst time- Pots less than 4 inches wideKEY BENEFITS:• It works. Snapshot provides unsurpassed control of grassy and broadleaf weeds.• It offers long residual. Depending on factors such as weeds controlled and application rate, Snapshot® specialty herbicide provides up to eight months of control.• It saves time and money. It saves landscape and nursery professionals thousands of dollars in handweedinglabor costs.• It offers excellent plant tolerance. Snapshot can be applied over the top of numerous ornamentals.• It stays put. Once activated, Snapshot remains in the weed seed germination zone.

Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag Review

Was almost going to skip buying Snapshot this season... And then I saw all the weeds that we would have without it. After four seasons in a row of Snapshot, we have forgotten what it is like to pull weeds in our shrub beds. There is nothing that compares. The best!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag ...

Buy Snapshot DG Pro - Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag Cheap

Friday, August 23, 2013

Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs.

Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs.

Shock Sale Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. very cheapYou looking to find the "Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs." Good news! You can purchase Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. On Sale

Price: $146.69    Updated Price for Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. now
Purchase Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. low price

Product Feature

  • 4 lbs
  • Active Ingredient: 80% Tebuthiuron

Product Description

Spike® 80DF herbicide is a dry-flowable formulation that is mixed and applied with a water carrier.A soil-active product, Spike 80DF is applied to the soil surface by ground equipment and enters plants only through the roots.Spike 80DF has the same active ingredient (tebuthiuron) as Spike 20P herbicide, a formulation applied as a pellet.Spike 80DF is labeled for two uses on range and pastureland.Features· Labeled for rangeland and pasture in Texas, New Mexico, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri· Long-lasting, precision brush control for fencerows, spot applications, strips and senderos, wildlife patterns and open blocks· Dry-flowable formulation· Soil-activated product - enters plants only through the roots· Banded applications minimize spray interception by foliage, concentrate the herbicide for better root uptake, and minimize damage to annual grasses and forbs· Firebreak applications control annual grasses and weeds, reducing fire fuels and aiding in firebreak establishment· Controls oaks, including sand shinnery, running live, post, blackjack, South Texas mixed brush, sand sage, big sagebrush, Macartney rose, blackberry and many others.Spike 80DF herbicide is mixed with water and applied directly to the soil surface in a concentrated, narrow, straight stream (band). There, the solution enters the soil profile to intersect with the lateral roots of woody plants. Precise, banded applications of Spike 80DF herbicide are perfect for clearing susceptible brush from fencerows, to create openings for wildlife habitat, or to spot-treat brush motts (small groves or clumps of brush) to improve grazing.

Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. Review

I've gotta say that this is one fast acting, no nonsense chemical. If you want to kill some trees, or what have you, I'd use Spike 80DF.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs." are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. ...

Buy Spike 80 DF Specialty Herbicide 4 lbs. Cheap

Thursday, August 22, 2013

QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer

QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer

Shock Sale QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer very cheapYou looking to find the "QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer" Good news! You can purchase QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer On Sale

Price: $24.99    Updated Price for QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer now
Purchase QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer low price

Product Feature

  • Provides ultra-fast weed control
  • Visible results in just 24 hours
  • Effective in both cool and warm climates.
  • Tough on broadleaf weeds
  • Gentle on Bermudagrass & St. Augustinegrass, even in newly seeded, sodded or sprigged areas.

Product Description

QUICKSILVER ® HERBICIDEThis one packet makes exactly one gallon of spray with no measuring.Handle broadleaf weeds with pure speed.You demand a fast solution to for your broadleaf weed problem. QuickSilver ® herbicide helps give you exactly what you demand─ enhanced speed of kill and visible results in just 24 hours.Add QuickSilver herbicide to every postemergence herbicide tank mix and watch a broad spectrum of mature, perennial broadleaf weeds disappear in a hurry. QuickSilver is uniquely engineered to be effective in both cool and warm climates. No other herbicide offers you this level of flexibility in application temperatures.More speed. Less worry.Although QuickSilver is tough on broadleaf weeds, it is gentle on a variety of grasses including Bermudagrass and St. Augustinegrass, even in newly seeded, sodded or sprigged areas. Carfentrazone-ethyl, the active ingredient in QuickSilver herbicide, is one of the most environmentally sensitive herbicides available. It does not impact birds or earthworms and is unlikely to harm honeybees, predators or parasites. Featuring a favorable safety profile, QuickSilver minimizes skin irritation when compared to other broadleaf herbicides.You'll also feel confident knowing that QuickSilver is rainfast within one hour of application and leaves minimal residue, so it won't affect reseeding. It is registered for postemergence broadleaf control in most species of newly seeded, sodded or sprigged turfgrass when applied seven days or more following seedling emergence. Non-volatile, you can be sure that QuickSilver delivers control right where you need it, right when you need it.

QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer Review

I bought this to see if it would kill prostrate knotweed in my bermuda lawn (Atlanta) and so far it's worked great.

Regarding the other review about confusing ratios: the instructions say to put the tiny water-soluble packet into 1-8 gallons of water. I was nervous about any instructions that have such a broad mixing ratio so I went with 3.5 gallons of water. It's killing the weeds and so far hasn't damaged the bermuda at all.

One piece of advice: inside this box is a very small "plastic" looking pouch of liquid. You put that pouch into your pump sprayer and wait for it to dissolve. This takes a long time (like 15+ minutes with shaking). Then, unless you've got a fine mesh filter on the intake hose in your sprayer, the partially dissolved "plastic" packet will suck up into your spray nozzle and clog it.

If I have to use this stuff again I'll probably break the rules and cut open the pouch and pour it into my sprayer.

I haven't sprayed it on many other weed types but so far this stuff is good for Prostrate Knotweed. I wish it was cheaper for the single dose size. As it is now you can pay $25 for this of $150 for enough to make 100+ gallons.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer ...

Buy QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.169 fl.oz. Carfentrazone-ethyl 12% Selective Weed Killer Cheap