Super Trimec

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Price: $111.04 $104.99 

Product Feature
- Super strong weed killer
- Penetrates tough weeds
- Remains active all year
- Ideal for broad leaf weeds
- Will not damage turf grass
Product Description
The Trimec complex for cool weather of hardened-off mature weeds. The low volatile ester formulation penetrates even the toughest weeds. Developed for the professional to control the widest range of broadleaf weeds. Super Trimec enables you to start earlier in the season or extend your season later than most. Weather is not a problem, whether sudden rain or drop in the temperature, it will remain active and provide control when the weather warms up. Use in early spring, late fall and for mid-summer spot treatments.Broadleaf herbicide, priced per gallon. Active ingredients - Isooctyl ester of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 32.45%, Isooctyl ester of 2-propionic acid, 31.80%. Diacamba 3, 6-dichloro-o-anisic acid, 5.38%
Super Trimec Review
I had been using Ortho Weed-B-Gone and was disappointed in the results (it seems to be a lot less effective than it used to be), so I asked a friend who is in the landscaping business what weed killer he recommended. He told me about Super Trimec, and I've been a believer ever since. This stuff does a fantastic job on weeds but doesn't hurt the grass. Some weeds (like wild strawberry) may require a second treatment, but for the most part I've been really pleased with Super Trimec on the more typical yard blights (clover, crabgrass, etc.) and have been thrilled to be able to buy it through Amazon because it isn't readily available in stores.
It may seem expensive to spend a hundred bucks on a gallon of weed killer concentrate, but it's worth it when you consider what the cost would be of hiring a professional firm to come in and spray with a tank mounted on a truck, when you consider how effective Super Trimec is, and when you consider how far it goes. For example, a 15,000 square foot bag of Scott's fertilizer / weed killer will set you back around forty-five dollars at your local big box store, so if you spend a hundred dollars with tax and get two bags, you're getting 30,000 square feet of coverage. Spend the same amount of money on Super Trimec and you'll get 426,666 square feet of coverage, or 28 times as much. That's a bargain if you ask me, even if you don't already have a 2 gallon pump-type tank sprayer and have to buy one.
I'll point out that my landscaper friend who uses Super Trimec is usually pretty lax about health and safety issues, but I've noticed that when he applies Super Trimec he religiously follows all the label instructions about wearing gloves, etc. I'd mention as well that I've always been a fan of sprayed weed killer (as opposed to granular weed killer) because if you apply it properly it doesn't wash off the leaves of the weeds, it's effective on weeds without "broad" leaves, and it only goes where you put it (as opposed to granular weed killer applied from a spreader, which goes on everything and is prone to falling off the leaves and into the dirt, and then dissolving and running into streams, ponds, etc.).
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