Monday, September 30, 2013

Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer

Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer

Shock Sale Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer very cheapYou looking to find the "Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer" Good news! You can purchase Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer On Sale

Price: $28.46 $17.86   Updated Price for Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer now
Purchase Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer low price

Product Feature

  • Size: 1 Gallon

Product Description

Nonselective soil sterilant. Prevents new growth for up to 1 full year. No odor, water based formula. Contains 2.2% Pramitol. 1 gallon cover 500 sq. ft.

Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer Review

This stuff really works. I got the result that I expected. The directions are simple to follow and the results take a little time, but that's not a problem when a product performs as it's advertised.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer ...

Buy Bonide 513 Total Vegetation Killer Cheap

Sunday, September 29, 2013

St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz

St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz

Shock Sale St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz very cheapYou looking to find the "St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz" Good news! You can purchase St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz On Sale

Price: $17.02    Updated Price for St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz now
Purchase St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz low price

Product Feature

  • 64 OZ, F-Style Half-Gallon Bottle, With Attachable Trigger Sprayer Included
  • Ready To Use Burnout II Organic Weed & Grass Killer,
  • Burnout Organic Weed & Grass Killer
  • Kills Weeds & Grass In Hours Using Natural Plant Oils, Safe To Use Around Pets.

Product Description

A great solution to take care of pasty weeds and grasses. 64 oz., Ready-To-Use, Burnout II Organic Weed and Grass Killer. Comes in a F-style gallon bottle, with attachable trigger sprayer included. Formula kills weeds and grass in hours. Organic/Omro listed. Formula is made from all natural plant oils. Safe to use around pets.

St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz Review

For anyone wanting to control weeds without toxins, this stuff is really great. I did say 'control' weeds, not 'kill' weeds. This stuff won't kill perennial weeds, because it's not a systemic, and therefore won't kill humans and animals either. We control weeds by a combination of curse words, hand-weeding, and Burnout. We have extensive gravel paths, and hand-weeding exposes more seeds for germination. Burnout keeps the tops burned down and the gravel in place. Perennials get pulled by hand or repeatedly burned down. It all works out in the end, and the nice clove smell reminds us we're not using Roundup.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz ...

Buy St Gabriel Laboratories 40027-9 F-style Half-Gallon Bottle Burnout Ii Killer 64 Oz Cheap

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food

Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food

Shock Sale Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food very cheapYou looking to find the "Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food" Good news! You can purchase Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food On Sale

Price: $36.99 $17.50   Updated Price for Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food now
Purchase Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food low price

Product Feature

  • 30lb corn glut lawn food
  • Corn gluten granular lawn food
  • Will prevent grass seed from germinating
  • Therefore, the product should not be used within 6 weeks before desirable grasses are seeded
  • May be used on established cool and warm season turf grasses including Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial

Product Description

30lb corn glut lawn food. Corn gluten granular lawn food. Will prevent grass seed from germinating. Therefore, the product should not be used within 6 weeks before desirable grasses are seeded. May be used on established cool and warm season turf grasses including Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, St. Augustine grass, centipede grass, Bahia grass, and tall fescue. Coverage: up to 3000 sq. ft. of lawn area. Formulation: A by-product of corn processing containing a relatively high level of organic nitrogen. 30 lb. container.

Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food Review

Bit pricey, but I really like the fact that it's natural ingredients. Seems to have held off more weeds than compared to using nothing the year before.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food ...

Buy Natural Guard Corn Gluten Lawn Food Cheap

Friday, September 27, 2013

Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box

Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box

Shock Sale Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box very cheapYou looking to find the "Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box" Good news! You can purchase Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box On Sale

Price: $9.99    Updated Price for Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box now
Purchase Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box low price

Product Feature

  • 1 box
  • Quickpro Roundup is a highly formulated product that kills any types of weed or grass.
  • Please be cautious when using around gardens or plants.
  • Quickpro Roundup is used when you need to clear out a space of land for either crops or if you want to reseed your lawn.
  • Please be extra careful when using around a water.

Product Description

1 box contains 5 individual packets which are easy to use pre-measured ( makes 1 gallon each)

Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box Review

I am a first time user of Roundup Quickpro it was recommended to me by a co-worker, Weed killer is an expensive product no matter which one you chose. I looked around and found Quickpro here for the best price, it dissolved quickly and was easy to understand the mixing instructions. I noticed it was working on the broad leaf plants within the first 8 hours of spraying. So it is very effective in that aspect. But I think my favorite aspect about Quickpro is that it is relatively safe for your pets and wild animals. I did spray several small oak trees somewhere around 10 feet tall and I could see it working on them the following day. The rate of mix I used was 1.5 oz. of mix to just under 1 gallon of water. I would and will recommend this product to friends and family.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box ...

Buy Roundup Quick Pro 1 box Makes 5 Gallons-1 Box Cheap

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug

Shock Sale Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug very cheapYou looking to find the "Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug" Good news! You can purchase Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug On Sale

Price: $332.42 $315.43   Updated Price for Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug now
Purchase Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug low price

Product Feature

  • 2.5 Gallon Jug
  • Active ingredient: 60.4% Triclopyr
  • •Ideal for fence rows, rights-of-way, railroads and roadsides
  • •Controls box elder, buckthorn, locust, sumac and more

Product Description

Garlon® 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide controls woody plants, plus annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in non-crop areas. Recommended applications include industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, pipelines, roadsides, railroads, fence rows, forests and wildlife openings.Application rates range from 1 to 8 qts. per acre. May also be mixed with oil (diesel fuel, fuel oil or kerosene) or oil/water mixtures for basal bark or cut stump treatments.

Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug Review

This herbicide works great because it does not hurt the trees we have planned but does kill the weeds and this bush that grows very tall and spreads like a weed.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug ...

Buy Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide 2.5 Gallon Jug Cheap

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce

Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce

Shock Sale Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce very cheapYou looking to find the "Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce" Good news! You can purchase Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce On Sale

Price: $3.47    Updated Price for Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce now
Purchase Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce low price

Product Feature

  • Visible results as soon as 3 hours
  • Rainfast in 15 minutes
  • Kills the root
  • Use around trees and shrubs, in flower beds, driveways, and on patios and walkways

Product Description

Spectracide weed and grass killer ready-to-use is a non-selective herbicide formulated to quickly kill grass and weeds down to the root — in and around patios, driveways, walkways and fences, as well as around flowers, shrubs and trees and in large areas.

Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce Review

I like this spray because it's easy to use on weeds coming up through crevices and on the patio/etc. You just spray the leaves of the weed - you don't have to worry about mixing this (unless you by concentrate) and you don't have to worry about the chemical penetrating the soil. I find it very easy to use. I just go out and spray the edges of the driveway, etc. You have to do it when the weather is warm and there is no rain for a few days. It took about a week for the weeds I sprayed to die completely.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce ...

Buy Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer RTU Trigger Spray, 26-Ounce Cheap

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case

Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case

Shock Sale Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case very cheapYou looking to find the "Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case" Good news! You can purchase Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case On Sale

Price: $199.95 $139.95   Updated Price for Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case now
Purchase Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case low price

Product Feature

  • Long-lasting residual action.
  • It is recommended for use only on non-cropland areas.
  • The degree of control and duration depends on the amount of herbicide applied, soil type, rainfall and other conditions.
  • powerful, non-selective herbicide designed for use where control of all vegetation is desired.
  • Along pipelines, Railroad rights-of-way, Fence rows, Around buildings, Loading ramps, Storage yards , Industrial sites , Parking lots, Tanks, farms

Product Description

Total Solutions Barren is a powerful, non-selective herbicide designed for use where control of all vegetation is desired. It is also a soil sterilant,offering a total kill with long-lasting residual action, so it is only recommended for non-cropland areas away fromresidential/recreational areas.Directions Complete directions on product labelFor annual weeds and grasses apply 1-2 gallons per 1000 sq ft. (40-80 gallonsper acre).For hard-to-kill perennial weeds use 3-5 gal per 1000 sq. ft. (120-200 gallonsper acre).Ingredients Amount2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid......................................................................................................... 1.09%Bromacil............................................................................................................................................. 0.98%Inert Ingredients................................................................................................................................. 97.93%

Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case Review

It has been about 3 weeks since it was applied to fencelines, and I am beginning to see what looks like new growth in a couple of areas. Overall, the brush seems to still be dead, and applying it was easy. virtually no drift from spraying. We will see if it truly lasts all summer

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case ...

Buy Total Solutions Barren weed killer - 4 Gallon Case Cheap

Monday, September 23, 2013

Super Trimec

Super Trimec

Shock Sale Super Trimec very cheapYou looking to find the "Super Trimec" Good news! You can purchase Super Trimec with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Super Trimec On Sale

Price: $111.04 $104.99   Updated Price for Super Trimec now
Purchase Super Trimec low price

Product Feature

  • Super strong weed killer
  • Penetrates tough weeds
  • Remains active all year
  • Ideal for broad leaf weeds
  • Will not damage turf grass

Product Description

The Trimec complex for cool weather of hardened-off mature weeds. The low volatile ester formulation penetrates even the toughest weeds. Developed for the professional to control the widest range of broadleaf weeds. Super Trimec enables you to start earlier in the season or extend your season later than most. Weather is not a problem, whether sudden rain or drop in the temperature, it will remain active and provide control when the weather warms up. Use in early spring, late fall and for mid-summer spot treatments.Broadleaf herbicide, priced per gallon. Active ingredients - Isooctyl ester of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 32.45%, Isooctyl ester of 2-propionic acid, 31.80%. Diacamba 3, 6-dichloro-o-anisic acid, 5.38%

Super Trimec Review

I had been using Ortho Weed-B-Gone and was disappointed in the results (it seems to be a lot less effective than it used to be), so I asked a friend who is in the landscaping business what weed killer he recommended. He told me about Super Trimec, and I've been a believer ever since. This stuff does a fantastic job on weeds but doesn't hurt the grass. Some weeds (like wild strawberry) may require a second treatment, but for the most part I've been really pleased with Super Trimec on the more typical yard blights (clover, crabgrass, etc.) and have been thrilled to be able to buy it through Amazon because it isn't readily available in stores.

It may seem expensive to spend a hundred bucks on a gallon of weed killer concentrate, but it's worth it when you consider what the cost would be of hiring a professional firm to come in and spray with a tank mounted on a truck, when you consider how effective Super Trimec is, and when you consider how far it goes. For example, a 15,000 square foot bag of Scott's fertilizer / weed killer will set you back around forty-five dollars at your local big box store, so if you spend a hundred dollars with tax and get two bags, you're getting 30,000 square feet of coverage. Spend the same amount of money on Super Trimec and you'll get 426,666 square feet of coverage, or 28 times as much. That's a bargain if you ask me, even if you don't already have a 2 gallon pump-type tank sprayer and have to buy one.

I'll point out that my landscaper friend who uses Super Trimec is usually pretty lax about health and safety issues, but I've noticed that when he applies Super Trimec he religiously follows all the label instructions about wearing gloves, etc. I'd mention as well that I've always been a fan of sprayed weed killer (as opposed to granular weed killer) because if you apply it properly it doesn't wash off the leaves of the weeds, it's effective on weeds without "broad" leaves, and it only goes where you put it (as opposed to granular weed killer applied from a spreader, which goes on everything and is prone to falling off the leaves and into the dirt, and then dissolving and running into streams, ponds, etc.).

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Super Trimec" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Super Trimec ...

Buy Super Trimec Cheap

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus

Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus

Shock Sale Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus very cheapYou looking to find the "Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus" Good news! You can purchase Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus On Sale

Price: $21.99 $15.90   Updated Price for Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus now
Purchase Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus low price

Product Feature

  • 1 ft. gridline for easy placement of plants
  • Stronger for extra durability
  • Patented material provides excellent weed protection; guaranteed for 10 years
  • Usage ideas: Home landscaping and gardens, under patios and decks, under walkways and paths, vegetable and flower gardens
  • Natural weed stopping additive

Product Description

Weed Shield Plus is new and improved material with natural weed stopping additive. Stronger for greater durability. Ideal for low maintenance landscaping, under patios and decks, under walkways and paths, and vegetable and flower gardens.

Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus Review

Thin and easy to place. Should last for a long time under normal conditions. The listing says that it has grid lines for easy placement and cutting. IT DID NOT HAVE GRID LINES. I wish it had, it would have made cutting much easier. Overall, I think this is a good product. Giving 4 stars because of the missing grid lines.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus ...

Buy Dalen WS1050 3-Foot by 50-Foot 10-Year Weed Shield Plus Cheap

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12

Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12

Shock Sale Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 very cheapYou looking to find the "Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12" Good news! You can purchase Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 On Sale

Price: $115.78    Updated Price for Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 now
Purchase Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 low price

Product Feature

  • For use on roses, flowers, houseplants, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruits and vegetables
  • Controls powdery mildew, aphids, whiteflies and other insect pests as listed
  • Controls black spot, rust and powdery mildew

Product Description

Garden Safe 93179 Neem Oil, 16-Ounce - Case Pack of 12, is made with a natural ingredient. Safe for use on roses, flowers, fruits and ornamental trees and shrubs.vegetables

Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 Review

Neem oil works great! But I have found the extracted versions of the product like this one and others do not work effectively. The best is one of the 100% neem oils available on Amazon. Products such as by Dynagro.

Just use the recommended amount, usually a quart mix and add about a teaspoon of liquid detergent to get the neem to integrate into the water (it is an oil). I recommend the Solo series sprayers, especially the These spray a mist the coats the surface. Mist until it drips and use the nozzle angle to spray up into the plant and down into the plant.

Works great on scale on wintering plants and trees!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 ...

Buy Garden Safe 93179-1 16-Ounce Neem Oil, Case Pack of 12 Cheap