Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel

Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel

Shock Sale Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel very cheapYou looking to find the "Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel" Good news! You can purchase Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel On Sale

Price: $213.04 $189.90   Updated Price for Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel now
Purchase Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel low price

Product Feature

  • Collect 30 watts of power from the sun to recharge your power packs
  • Works with Goal Zero Escape 150 and other power packs (not included)
  • Strong tempered glass with aluminum frame for temporary or permanent installation
  • Link panels together to maximize your collection power and cut recharging time in half
  • Great for RVs, cabins, camping, trickle charging, and more

Product Description

The Boulder 30M collect 30 watts of power from the sun, and stores power with the Extreme 350 or other Goal Zero power packs (sold separately) for use anytime. The solar panel can charge the Extreme 350 in about 12 hours. Use the stored solar power with your USB or 12V devices. The Boulder 30M is portable, but can be permanently installed. On the mountain or at the beach, the Boulder 30M goes wherever you do to help charge your power packs, to keep you connected to your digital life.

Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel Review

Provides 15 - 28 watts of power depending on sunlight and cloud cover
Light weight
You can chain Boulder 30s to more B30s or B15s or Nomad 27s, etc.

Edges fade to gold after 8 hours in the sun - I have 3 Boulder 30s and all of them did this
Edges are metal - is better if the edges are covered with rubber. I bought and installed some rubber weather stripping that does just fine protecting the edges from the concrete or rocks. - The Boulder 30 still fits inside the case just fine.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel ...

Buy Goal Zero 32201 Boulder 30M Solar Panel Cheap

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