Saturday, March 12, 2011

ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator

ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator

Shock Sale ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator very cheapYou looking to find the "ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator" Good news! You can purchase ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator On Sale

Price: $376.99 $274.95   Updated Price for ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator now
Purchase ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator low price

Product Description

ETQ TG3000 3000 Watt Portable Generator

ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator Review

I bought one of these ETQ 3000 generators 5-ish years ago for backup and because it was on sale for $190 or so at a Big Lots or some place like that. I put some 15W40 Rotella in it and ran it for an hour to break it in with minimal load. Then I changed the oil. I think it has about 50 hours on it now, so I changed the oil again. (It still looked pretty good!) I start it and let it run 15 minutes or so every few months, and shut the gas off to run the carb dry each time.

It starts easily, makes minimal noise even at full load, and handles even abrupt loads up to 3000 watts without issue. (I know because I just tested it with a 3000 watt surge load to see if it would stall because my buddy bought a POS Champion generator that was rated at 3500 watts and it won't even hardly put out 2200!)

The ONLY downside to this generator is that it's 120V only, but for RV's needing 30 amp 120V, this is EXACTLY what you need because generators with 240 volt capability only have half the rated wattage on each 120V leg... Thus you need double the generator if you're only using 110 and the generator is capable of 240V.

I didn't see it in the description, but the noise level is 67 or 68dB at ~20ft. The only way to go quieter is to get one of the little ~$1000 inverter generators!
I love my little ETQ generator!

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Buy ETQ - TG3000 - 3000 Watt Gasoline Generator Cheap

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